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This delicate, adjustible Affirmation bracelet is made from rich, faceted Black Tourmaline

It has wonderful protective and grounding properties, and is thus easy to create positive affirmations around.


Affirmations are a good way to re-educate your mind, and feed it a healthier focus...every moment our mind has 1000’s of thoughts and stories - most of them negative...

Constantly listening to I am not enough, or I am not deserving puts our body into a state of stress, and we start attracting situations that confirm what the mind is more situations where we feel undeserving, or where we feel lack.

Conversely, when we repeat positive affirmations, we start to invite situations that mirror those thoughts...and our body starts to find calm - we create a state of ease.

Each of these affirmation bracelets is made from different semi-precious stones which offer different positive strengths that we can focus on...and when we wear them they are gentle reminders to be mindful of what we are feeding our minds...make the story a more positive one, and invite positive changes.


Affirmations for Black Tourmaline:

I am safe, protected, and grounded

I allow myself to be free of doubt, so I can live my life without fear

I have the strength to overcome any obstacles

It is safe to fully express who I am


Properties of Black Tourmaline

An amazing protection stone...known for its ability to protect against psychic attack.

A stress reliever that detoxifies the body and heals the connection between mind and body.

It not only heals the physical body but provides an emotional spiritual detox.

Offers us self-realisation, spiritual awakening, and transformation.

It is said to bring back our desire to love with all of our heart, removing negative energy so we can focus on the right things.

This stone has been used for hundreds of years in spiritual ceremonies due to its believed ability to connect the spiritual and earthly bodies


Please note:

The affirmations are suggestions that you can use if they resonate with you...and hopefully they will give you an idea of what the individual stone’s properties can help you can create your own affirmations.

The bracelet is on a card for you to write your own message inside, so makes a wonderful personalised gift.

It comes with a choice of two stickers (a heart and circle) so you can choose which to use for sealing the envelope

Black Tourmaline Affirmation bracelet

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